LIVE Register
IRAN; 2,500 million tones Annual Chicken Consuming

According to the formal statistics, maximum chicken meat consumption is about 2,400 million tones

Broiler Production Increment

Secretary of the day-old chicken Union demanded: “During the last two months some broiler

Soybean Meal price will decrease

“According to our agenda we will face with soybean meal will decrease in price and it is due to

About 1,100 tons of chicken were exported from

The CEO of the National Union of Meat Poultry Farmers said that last year, about 1,100 tons of

Supporting from export to the target countries

“We will strongly continue purchasing the surplus of domestic poultry production” said the Head of

Iran chicken production is up, prices soar

CapCaptioDespite output growth, Iranian poultry prices stay on the upward trajectory. Photo:

Iran is in need of vaccine producing!

“At present, we are in need of 6 vaccines in the field of Livestock and 18 vaccines in the field

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